End of Season Run October 2015
3rd October 2015 marked our End of Season Run. As most of you will know, this is our last run of the season and is entered by many.
This year’s run was organised by David McCullough & Stephen Gordon and was of course, enjoyed thoroughly by many. This year we had a total of 79 adults and 4 children entered, along with 40 cars.
This year we had Campbell McDonald from Scotland join us in his Morris Minor pickup. Many have seen ‘Charlotte’ at Scottish rallies and of course the National so it was great to have him at our run.
We started of the day at Hillside Nursery, Newtownabbey for a beautiful breakfast and of course quite a bit of shopping! (Especially as they have all their Christmas stuff in).
We then travelled to the newly developed Antrim Castle Gardens were we stopped for lunch and were able to have a tour of the gardens. We then made a move to Tullyglass House Hotel, Ballymena for their famous carvery.
Thankfully the weather was great and were able to enjoy our day rain free! Well done to Susan Shepherd who won the star prize in the raffle – a 175 piece tool kit.
Thanks again to David & Stephen for a great day.